Search found 19 matches

by mbb
Tue May 02, 2023 6:12 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Search is unreliable
Replies: 6
Views: 16174

Re: Search is unreliable

Ok, I found a file I can send, where this happens. I will also attach a video showing this behaviour in that file.
by mbb
Mon May 01, 2023 10:56 am
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words
Replies: 10
Views: 30276

Re: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words

I confirm this problem is fixed in the new build.

by mbb
Fri Apr 28, 2023 6:34 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Search is unreliable
Replies: 6
Views: 16174

Re: Search is unreliable

After a second test, I can see it finds all occurrences, but it doesn't cycle through all of them if "search" is continually pressed. That is, all occurrences appear below the button "search" and any one of them can be selected from that list, but pressing the "search" ...
by mbb
Fri Apr 28, 2023 1:09 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Search is unreliable
Replies: 6
Views: 16174

Search is unreliable


I just found out the search feature of Textmaker NX isn't reliable. It often reports not finding text which is present on the document.

I attach a video recording showing this bug. This behaviour is not seen in Textmaker 2021.

by mbb
Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:47 pm
Forum: BETA PlanMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Editing an Excel file with Planmaker invalidates its access with python module openpyxl
Replies: 6
Views: 19538

Editing an Excel file with Planmaker invalidates its access with python module openpyxl

Hi! I'm working on a small script in python, which, among other things, opens and manipulates Excel files. Upon testing the script, I noticed that if I edit a file in Planmaker, then I can't open it with openpyxl (I haven't tried other python modules). The error displayed is the following: Traceback...
by mbb
Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:21 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Double-click on backspace = click backspace then delete
Replies: 3
Views: 13438

Re: Double-click on backspace = click backspace then delete

This problem is gone on the new build.
by mbb
Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:18 pm
Forum: BETA SoftMaker Office 2024 for Linux (general)
Topic: Activation code doesn't work
Replies: 13
Views: 42259

Re: Activation code doesn't work

I confirm the issue is fixed. Installed the new build as regular user, on a different machine, and activated it using the same activation code which was supplied for the previous build.
by mbb
Thu Apr 13, 2023 4:44 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words
Replies: 10
Views: 30276

Re: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words

I really can't trust the word-count of Textmaker. I'm working on a section of a document where MSWord counts 512 words and Textmaker (on Linux) counts 669 words. MSWord is right.

This is bad because I often work with limits. For example, I have a limit of 500 words for this section.
by mbb
Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:52 pm
Forum: BETA PlanMaker 2024 for Windows
Topic: Selected Column Does Not Change when Cell Format changed
Replies: 11
Views: 28647

Re: Selected Column Does Not Change when Cell Format changed

I confirm this behaviour. The cells' contents get updated only after editing its contents, either by pressing F2 or highlighting the formula bar.
by mbb
Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:31 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words
Replies: 10
Views: 30276

Re: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words

I just tested the Windows version and, there, this behaviour is not present.
by mbb
Mon Apr 10, 2023 1:49 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words
Replies: 10
Views: 30276

Re: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words

Here is the video. As you can see, I only open a file and select text. Word-count is ok if selection is made from the beginning of a paragraph, otherwise it is completely inconsistent.
by mbb
Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:40 am
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words
Replies: 10
Views: 30276

Text selection in the middle of a paragraph doesn't count words

If text is selected within a paragraph, words are not counted. They are counted if the selection starts at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph, but not if the selection is made within the paragraph. Two screenshots ar attached; one with a selection from the beginning of the paragraph and an...
by mbb
Fri Apr 07, 2023 5:28 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Multiple selection doesn't work on tables
Replies: 1
Views: 9743

Multiple selection doesn't work on tables

The new feature to select multiple chunks with "ctrl" key is excellent. However, it doesn't work on tables. It would be awesome if this feature was included.

by mbb
Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:44 pm
Forum: BETA SoftMaker Office 2024 for Linux (general)
Topic: Please consider creating a programming interface for Linux
Replies: 1
Views: 9837

Please consider creating a programming interface for Linux

Hi! Maybe this post doesn't fit in this section, and maybe you already got hundreds of similar requests, but it's utterly important that Linux users have a programming interface to interact with Softmaker Office, mainly with Planmaker. Java, Python, C, basic, .NET Core through C#, anything! Just pro...
by mbb
Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:35 pm
Forum: BETA TextMaker 2024 for Linux
Topic: Double-click on backspace = click backspace then delete
Replies: 3
Views: 13438

Double-click on backspace = click backspace then delete

If backspace is clicked twice, in a fast pace, the second click behaves like the key "delete". Expected behaviour is two clicks on backspace. Is this intentional, an optional behaviour, a bug? This is annoying because, for some reason, TextMaker is a bit slow on my machine, so, I have to b...

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