Search found 2 matches

by nadiehimemori
Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:26 am
Forum: Presentations 2021 for Windows
Topic: Presentations file exported as MS Office format damaged[bug?]
Replies: 1
Views: 11034

Presentations file exported as MS Office format damaged[bug?]

Hello everybody. This is my first post at the forum and as I don't see it around I decide to post it. Every time I use the Presentations program, I got an error while I try to open it using MS PowerPoint, as it shows it's damaged and the information can't be recovered or retrieved. It's not the firs...
by nadiehimemori
Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:20 am
Forum: TextMaker 2021 for Windows
Topic: How to install Textmaker
Replies: 4
Views: 14493

Re: How to install Textmaker

When you make the download of the Soft Maker Setup, it got automatically installed with the full programs, this means all the programs should be already installed on your system. You can try to make a search on the Windows bar (if you are using W11 or 10) to confirm it.

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