Android software while waiting?

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Android software while waiting?

Post by carandol »

I wondered if anyone can recommend an office package for Android tablets that's compatible with SoftMaker Office 2012, while we wait for a stable Android version of SMO to be ready? I bought QuickOffice Pro on the basis of some good reviews, only to find that .doc and .docx files saved with it reliably cause SMO2012 to crash (and the only way to get them back is to load them into OpenOffice and save them again!). And Picsel Smart Office seems reluctant to load some .doc/.docx files created with SMO2012. I don't want to have to experiment with every single office package. What's anyone else using?
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Re: Android software while waiting?

Post by jimjutte »

I can't, but it might be possible to get a trial of something like Docs to Go... Our tablets have not yet arrived, so I can't check myself... sorry.
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Re: Android software while waiting?

Post by martin-k »

Why do you think you need to find a stopgap office suite? We will provide SoftMaker Office Mobile right until the release of the full version.

Our survey showed that most beta testers use the beta successfully; do you have specific problems that make the software unusable to you?
Martin Kotulla
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Re: Android software while waiting?

Post by carandol »

Well, when I posted this the beta was crashing every time I tried to save. But the next release cured that. :-)

It still feels a bit sluggish, and I find it really frustrating that I can't use text styles, which means if I create or edit a document on my tablet, I have to go through it again on my PC, putting the styles in, before I can use it for work - but apart from that it, has more features than most Android word processors. Kingsoft Office does styles, but lacks a lot of other features that SoftMaker has - so I could partially edit in SoftMaker, then add the styles in Kingsoft, but it seems silly that I need to have two word processors on my tablet to get one job done.
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Re: Android software while waiting?

Post by martin-k »

Styles are pretty high on the list of features to add.
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: Android software while waiting?

Post by carandol »

Good-o! I can see I shall have to encourage this by buying the current version when the beta ends. :-)
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