« state of emergency »

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Michael Uplawski
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« state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Please take note of the fact, that the French government uses the current « situation » to silence any kind of political or social movement that appears to either express or to have expressed at one time in the past “opposition” in the most general sense of the expression.

Even biological farmers and sympathizers of the protest movement against the airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes are exposed to spontaneous harassment by law-enforcement officials and some are even put under house detention. The French government is currently giving a demonstration of the incompatibility of their “customer's” ambition and the need for change that should suffice to dispel all hope in a useable resolution at the end of this ridiculous climate conference. Representatives of the polluting industries, the banks and their governmental lap dogs discussing the scale of their own pay cuts. What do you expect?

Just one reference :
http://www.reporterre.org/La-police-tra ... erroristes

The most high-brow French radio-station « France Culture » is about the only one that tries to cover the topic completely. I wonder for how long you can hear on a public media that political militants in France are now considered and just treated like terror-suspects.

Je suis Rémie Fraisse.
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Just to add diversity to the list of sources, here is Frédéric Lordon, en economist and Le Monde Diplomatique, the most-read French newspaper world-wide :
« État d'urgence - Ce que nous pouvons »
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

“Chef, these are youngsters, can we pack a punch?”

All of the317 preliminarily arrested people after the demonstration on Sunday have been released and the media agree on the objective of the obviously exaggerated police action: To scare potential protesters for the time of the climate conference.

The French parliament is now about to install a mechanism to better control police intervention during the state of emergency.

Anyway, they install the apparatus that will permit the current French fascist movement to install its regime after the next presidential elections.
Here we go.

Yet another link :
http://la-bas.org/la-bas-magazine/repor ... eut-cogner
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

France Culture reports, that the allegations against at least one ecologist put under house arrest, rely exclusively on his knowledge of the german language. The authorities have apparently feared that french and german ecologists could get in contact with each other during the climat conference...

How have they missed me.
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Polemic statements are now directed against the ecologists at Notre-Dame-Des-Landes. They will storm the camp, they will have to shoot young people. Stay tuned!My house is advancing, it would become habitable in 2016 but I feel like having made the worst mistake in all my life.
In the country of the human rights,
religion kills,
democracy is dead,
pluralism is a dirty word
and the educational system is in ruins.

How they were mocking *us* for not stopping to talk about our Nazi-past. Well, I guess the French have to pass by there, now. You will see, I can stop my outburst here. Shall I remove it?

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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Freddie »

It is not just France of course - similar attitudes are prevailing across the so-called 'civilised' world. There is a sort of evolution going on here. Did you watch the original Kenneth Clark series on 'Civilisation' ? (still available on a DVD set). It is interesting to walk with him through the series and hear his closing remarks.

On the climate change and environment front - so much misinformation and scientifically incorrect nonsense, pedalled by those with vested interests. Its a tragedy as there are many who do understand the bigger picture and many who, in a small way, try to help. However, those on the tallest soap-boxes often have agendas of their own. The irony is, when something comes along that could really make a difference and move things forwards, the truth is, nobody is really interested. See http://conservation.bl.ee/ for an example.

We live in interesting times.
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Freddie wrote:The irony is, when something comes along that could really make a difference and move things forwards, the truth is, nobody is really interested.
I tend to say the opposite. In fact, these days I fear the savageness, brutality and cynicism of the dominating cliques who prepare to attack all kinds of social or ecological movement for the sake of “Having nothing to change at all”. When you talk about nobody being really interested, I get the impression that you live in a homogeneous society where things run smoothly as long as you do not turn on your TV set. The “France” that I am talking about is different. It is highly inhomogeneous, all movement and sometimes it boils. An awesome number of alternatives to established lifestyles and ways to do your work have emerged in the recent years, some successful, some promising, some failed and continue to fail... The answer of the ... (mostly female representatives of a professional guild should permanently decry the disloyal competition of these folks) “politics“ (should I call them the pinkies) is police-action and home detention.

On another level, there is a kind of civil war going on against the urban fringe...

I see it all in the context of The Crisis, we are trying to ignore, but which will “soon shake our windows and rattle our walls” (see there) ... Only governments and their paying customers are preparing to withstand.
See http://conservation.bl.ee/ for an example.
There is not much to learn on this site. A vague description of a concept to preserve natural habitats and advertisement for books and/or “tools”. Much of the content appears elsewhere and for different purposes. The author does not appear to suffer, neither from seeing nature destroyed, nor any kind of social uneasiness... This is difficult to squeeze into the context.
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Still there... in the state of emergency. Now they harass women on the beach for a dress code and based on a law that does explicitly prohibit the prohibition of religious practice... religious freedom in France means opposing all that is not white and catholic. You are free to follow the dominant class in all their derisive diversions and decisions. Enjoy the holiday season, when all social uproar pauses.

These French have never made a revolution.
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Michael Uplawski wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:07 amThese French have never made a revolution.
They begin to deny the achievements of their most cited.
In the meantime, I have understood more, seen other events and places from different angles and can generalize the situation which is, however, unchanged since the first post in this bizarre (I admit, but so is reality) thread.

The governing or the dominating class has quite simply given up the notion of common welfare. Their only common objective is to survive and to render possible the survival of their own “succession”, as a consequence of a terminal conclusion: “There will not be enough space for everybody”.

As usually, although in the past the scenarios have been limited to only one or a few countries or one domain of business-activity or enterprise, only one political party etc.., the main actors, who try to keep away an ever larger public from taking responsibility for their own fate, are mostly people who believe being part of the dominating class, while most of them will share the fate of the poor and rejected, in the end, overestimating their own capacities and “value” for the more cautious weasels.

Sarkozy was a poorly disguised Punchinello against Macron. We discuss legalizing euthanasia, and render socially acceptable more topics which cannot have priority over the problems which threaten the survival of any living thing on this darned planet. Doped up to our skullcap you will enjoy yourself to the last drop of Iranian Petrol (when the Arabs are finally in the position to sell it), then disappear.

If we could function correctly, we would occupy each square-centimeter of fertile soil and defend it with claws and teeth against the money-manufacturing idiots.
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

5° Celsius to the end of this century.

It is over.

Tell your grand-children that they will die a more or less violent death due to conflicts, shortages of arbitrary kind or just sickness. And be grateful to your elders! As habit is the strongest of all natural laws and annuls every other natural law, thermodynamics inclusive, what else can you do..?! Thinking gives you headaches and those who insist are just terrorists.

Down with the Cerebral Cortex! Long live the Reptilian Brain!
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: « state of emergency »

Post by Michael Uplawski »

« The French» again...

still selling arms to Saudi Arabia, who has the contracts and continues to promise petrol to the U.S. which do see the end of the shale gas era coming soon... Where is the petrol, so that they can continue to pollute and not care (for 1 generation or so).? The Afghan pipelines are waiting, but the Saudis still think they are partners...

5° and idiots are still happy to die for cheap petrol...

Our brains are not working.

Edits: Ongoing attempt to correct wording and orthography.
Hindsight is in the eye of the beholder.
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