Textmaker for Zaurus Linux PDA

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Textmaker for Zaurus Linux PDA

Post by Yzord »

I realize that I'm probably in a minority, but would there be any plans or thoughts about porting your fine product to the Zaurus line of Linux PDAs? They already have keyboards, and the included word processing product (Hancom Word), while head-and-shoulders better than Pocket Word , just is nowhere near a full replacement for a proper word processor (still has roundtripping issues with footers, tables, etc). Having bought the version for PocketPC to test (as I dont use it very much anymore), I've been very impressed with the product and feel it would address a niche in the Zaurus product line.

Given the built in keyboards for the all the Zauruses available, this would make a wonderful complement. As well, just having bought the C760 (clamshell rotatable/flip 640x480 screen, 128mb Flash memory, great big keyboard, large 8hour battery), this is by far the ultimate platform I've ever used to write with.


Post by wbs »

All the Zaurus devices have QWERTY keyboards, in addition, the latest Zaurus (SL-C860) and the forthcoming SL-6000 have 640x480 displays. In my opinion, this means that the Zaurus line is ideal for word processing.

I would happily pay for a good word processor for my Zaurus SL-C760. I hope that TextMaker will be just that! Hancom's Word is very basic.

I third the vote

Post by cscadefx »

I have paid up to $30 for word processors on handheld platforms in the past. I would be more than willing to pay $30-$50 for a word processor that handled multiple formats, spellchecking, and excellent compatiblity with various desktop processors.

I have a Zaurus SL-5600 and would love to see textmaker support this platform.

Please email me at plasticrobotz@hotmail.com should this ever become available. I will keep checking back as well.

Post by theallan »

Absolutly. It would be great to see a decent word processor on the z. I know that there are many people looking for such a solution, inlcuding myself.


Another vote for a Zaurus port

Post by stan »

Text Maker would be a perfect addition to my Zaurus C760.
Please count me in!

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Post by PowerZ »

I would also be interested in a version of TextMaker for the Zaurus.

TextMaker for Zaurus line - superb

Post by nilch »

Having used Textmaker for Linux desktops' I would love to see Textmaker being ported to the handheld foot-print of the Zaurus.

Particularly, since I carry the Zarus with me more often and use it for working on documents on the go, at home, office and on my commutes, it would be great to have the fast powefful and nifty features of textmaker on the Zaurus.

I hope SoftMaker does consider having textmaker for the Zaurus.

Post by clofland »

I would also like to see Textmaker for the Z!

I am more than willing to pay for quality software for the Z, and a full featured word processor is a major need!

Add me to the list

Post by trepine »

I have used textmaker for PPC, I ditched my Axim because the 760 could do so much more. I miss having textmaker and would gladly pay the price to get a full featured wordprocessor. Also I would love to have printing using LPD/LPR which is available for the Z.

textmaker + zaurus = travel bliss

Post by Salinmooch »

I would absolutely love to have the capabilities of textmaker on my sl-c700!

I bought a 700 as a partial laptop replacement since it is more like a tiny laptop than an just a powerful PDA. While the bundled Handcom word is adequate, I hated the fact that although I could view some of my more complicated documents, if I edited them, the formatting would be off when I'd bring them back to my desktop.

I would be happy to pay for a quality product if made available for the zaurus line.
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another voice for zaurus support...

Post by jespensc »

I'll add my voice to this thread... I'd happily purchase a good word processor for the Zaurus C-series.

I purchased my C750 as a replacement for my PalmOS Handera 330, but it turns out to replace much of the functionality of my laptop. (As a note to WBS above, all of the Zaurus SL-C series (700, 750, 760, 860) have a 640x480 TFT screen.) It gives me pim tools, email, web browsing, pdf viewing, list management, network tools, games, etc etc. I'm very happy with my platform switch from PalmOS to Qtopia/Linux, and plan on staying with it for a long time.

After purchasing this device, I had two software issues: First, I had to dig around a bit to find a replacement for the very good Brainforest outlining tool on PalmOS. StageOne turned out to work beautifully, and I paid my US$12 for it. (My heavy use of an outliner & list-maker tool should provide a clue about my next problem... read on.)

Second, but probably even more important, there still is no good word processor. While the Hancom Word product is certainly better than having to deal with a text-butchering-conversion to simply open a document, I desperately need something that has some concept of *styles*. Do I need to see the document exactly as it will be laid out on a piece of paper? No. But I do need to be able to mark/tag text with a style (heading1, etc) in order to create any kind of a structured document. (Along these same lines, kudos to Softmaker for the upcoming integration of the XML OpenOffice format...) A port of the current Textmaker product would appear to meet these needs.

Simply put, if you port it, I'll buy it.

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Yes, please!

Post by mcamou »

HancomWord is a pathetic excuse for a "word processor", about as functional as the old MS-Write. PLEASE, we need a REAL WP on the Zaurus. I would gladly pay for it.
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Post by alexei »

I join!!! I am sure that there are plenty of people to join this request once rumor fly out!
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Post by dh »

I've just ordered a C860 and I would love to have Textmaker and Planmaker to use.
Has anyone tried to use the Linux versions on the Zaurus? I wonder if there is any chance of making it work?
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Post by martin-k »

We are in fact working on TextMaker for Zaurus right now. It's not quite beta yet, but we are closing in on that.



If you want to participate in the beta program, send me a private mail.
Martin Kotulla
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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