Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object May “Disappear”

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Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object May “Disappear”

Post by RKanarek »

Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object “Disappear”


Problem: “Grab” an object with your mouse, move it, and then release it: it may be exactly where it should be, or it may seemingly disappear.

If the object disappears, it is not actually gone. It appears to have vanished because it has been given a widely wrong, possibly negative, “Object Properties” → “Layout” → “Offset” → “Position” value.

Tip: If this happens to you, remember that the object is still selected. Pressing the [Enter] key will bring-up the object properties dialog.

This problem is absolutely not new. This problem also does not affect all mouse-based object moves. I do not know why some moves are successful and some are not.

I do not have a sample document with which to demonstrate the problem, but I did take a screen capture video of it occurring. I shall send both the video and a copy of this posting to Softmaker’s support e-mail address.

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Re: Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object May “Disappear”

Post by jimjutte »

Hi Richard,

Can you also just do a Ctrl-Z and undo so that it reappears in the same place it was before? Just curious.
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Re: Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object May “Disappear”

Post by RKanarek »

Howdy and thanks for the reply.

Yes, I'm virtually 100% sure one can restore the object to its original position by undoing the move. Indeed, I'm virtually 100% sure I have done so myself many times. (The older I get, the less I'm absolutely 100% sure of. ;-) That the object stays selected was a fairly recent observation, which may explain why I mentioned it in my original post. Still, thanks for the suggestion.

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Re: Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object May “Disappear”

Post by jimjutte »

Thanks Richard,

Then there is, I guess, a second option for those of us with weaker stomachs.
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Re: Move Object with Mouse ‒ Object May “Disappear”

Post by RKanarek »



1. Recently TextMaker 2018, rev. 928.0314, inserted a newly created object with a negative offset that placed the object off the screen. Though I relatively rarely used TM's object functions, I don't recall any version of TM improperly positioning a new object: if TM improperly positions an object, it has only done so (with me) after I've moved the object in the manner previously described.

2. There was no official "I can reproduce the issue with your sample file and will inform the developers" posted to this thread. Was the problem ever officially verified as existing and put on the repair queue?

Richard Kanarek
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