concatenation killing formatting

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concatenation killing formatting

Post by Princy557 »

Probably not the corrrect subject title, but......

I have four columns from some old files, they consist of a group of letters/figures/letters/figures
As I said these are old files and supposed to consist of 6 figures in one of the groups of figures.
However they don't so I have laid a formatting over them to pad them out with the leading zero's which are missing.
Looking good so far.....
I then have a column which concatenates' three of these columns . So I get LLLFFFFFFLLFF
However when the FFFFFF is brought in, lets say 000023 it ends up as just a 23.

I know I've missed something simple, but my old brain won't sort it out. Please give me a nudge as to what I'm doing wrong.

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Re: concatenation killing formatting

Post by miguel-c »

You could add an apostrophe at the beginning: '000023
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