Latest build rev S976.0313 64-bit on Debian or KDE Neon (Ubuntu). Haven't tested on Arch.

Been a while since I did pivot tables in SoftMaker, but in 2016 I SWEAR I remember you could simply click the upper left to select all (like in WPS, LibreOffice, O365, OnlyOffice, etc do it) then insert > pivot table and it would insert the pivot table. You didn't have to manually select the columns you wanted included, so if you had data going out to column BZ, you just click select all > insert > done. With the corona virus, my whole company is working from home like many others, so I'm using my personal computer to do reports I'd normally be doing in LibreOffice on my work computer. So I'm doing a LOT of pivot tables, having to manually select the columns every time simply isn't something I'm willing to do. EAsier to apt purge xx, apt install yy that supports these things to save time (which of course is literally every other office application I have installed somewhere, OnlyOffice web version, and O365 that my coworker on Windows uses).