Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

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Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

Post by kgha »

I've created a template that I wish to use as the default template - actually, I've copied the one I used in TM2018 (named standard.tmvx) to ~/Softmaker/Textmaker 2021 templates/Svenska/ and set it as default.

When starting TM, the new document that appears is created from this template, as expected. However, if I hit the "New Document" button (top left), I get the dIalog box shown in the attached screenshot and I have to navigate to the folder /Svenska or /Favorites (since I've pinned the template) and choose it manually.

In TM2018, a click on the "New Document" button immediately gives me a new document created from my default template.

I do hope this can be changed/rectified in TM2021, since the present handling is a bit clumsy and not particularly user-friendly.

EDIT: I'm on slackware -current 64bit. Installed the amd64.tgz version following instructions. My sminfo.txt file attached.
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Re: Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

Post by kgha »

I find it a bit disappointing that no one from the Softmaker team has reacted to my thread, not even a with short "We are looking into it" reply?

After changing the template folder setting to ~/Softmaker/Textmaker 2021 templates/Svenska and placed all my other personal templates except my preferred default template in a subfolder, I have at least reduced the clicking somewhat: when hitting the "New document" button I get a box where I immediately can choose my default template, since no alternatives appear. But it' still a completely unnecessary step. The "New document" button should give me a blank document from my default template. Should I want something else, e.g. a template with letterhead, I can clich the arrow to the rigth of the button and choose the appropriate template.

EDIT: OK, here's what I think causes this, or at least partially explains it: when setting the template as default, it also becomes "pinned" and thus put in the (virtual) Favorite folder, and it's the content of this folder that displays when I hit the "New document" button. In TM2018 there is no Favorite folder. I can see the rationale behind this change, but it is not my rationale. I prefer having control of which files are linked to what (which is one of my reasons for running Linux).
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Re: Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for the detailed explanation of this issue. When you upload any post please give us some time to check and respond.

This is a new feature introduced in SoftMaker Office 2021 that when we click on New Document, it opens up this template dialog box from which we can choose the preferred template. Even if you will not change your default template this dialog box will be there to choose a template on clicking on New document.

So, as you also mentioned, now you have multiple ways to create a new document from your preferred default template which are

1. When you open TextMaker it creates itself a new document from your default template.

2. If TextMaker already open

2.1. to create a new document you can click on New document drop-down and then select your template which will make a blank document as per your template instantaneously.

2.2. Or you can simply click on New document and then choose your template which will create a blank document as per your template.
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Re: Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

Post by kgha »

Thanks for a clear answer. Not a bug, then, but an "improvement". Not one I would have chosen to introduce myself, but I can live with it.
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Re: Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

Post by martin-k »

There is an optional command (something like "New document (without a dialog)") that you can drag to your toolbar or Quick access toolbar, and/or assign a key to it.
Martin Kotulla
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Re: Default template not recognised when hitting "New Document" button

Post by kgha »

Thanks, martin-k, that was good news! Had that button been combined with the little arrow for the drop-down menu, allowing to choose templates, it would have been perfect!
I also just discovered that Ctrl+N instantly gives me a new document from my default template. :)
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