Char styles side-panel wrongly displayed

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Char styles side-panel wrongly displayed

Post by JohnWasilewski »

TextMaker Professional 2021 (rev S1016.0624) 64bit

In the CHAR styles side-panel, it is helpful to show all of the listed styles in the font types and sizes that are assigned to them.
It appears that this is what the TM developers have intended. There's a mistake, however.

Each entry in the list does appear in its as-assigned font type.
The mistake is in its size. Each entry in the list is displayed four or maybe even five points smaller than its assigned font size.

As a result, some of the CHAR styles are vanishingly, unreadably small, making it almost impossible (for me, anyway) to read some of the CHAR style names. ALL of them are so small that it is a real strain to read any of them without bringing my face close to the screen and straining my eyes. Some of them are so small that I find it NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to read them.


CHAR STYLE...........My settings..............................As displayed in document...How it looks in CHAR style list
Normal......................Basic Roman 10.........................Basic Roman 10....................Basic Roman 6
Footnote text............Times N Roman 9.......................Times N Roman 9.................Times N Roman 5
Footnote reference...Arial 10 superscript 66% size.....Arial 7 or 6.............................Arial 4 or 3

The worst are footnote and endnote CHAR styles. For example, my preferred 'Footnote Reference' style is Arial 10, superscripted to size 66%. In my text, this appears as about Arial 6.5. In the CHAR styles list, it is displayed in a font of about Arial 3.5. It is a terrible strain, having to squint at the styles list to read what is written there. Screenshot attached.
Screenshot from 2020-07-01 13-20-24.png
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Re: Char styles side-panel wrongly displayed

Post by SuperTech »

It seems you have this problem because for the document you have set zoom level 200% which is double of normal size. Please check the bottom right corner of TextMaker as shown in your screenshot. When you increase/decrease the zoom level of the document, sidebar size stays constant so fonts on document will be bigger than the set size.

Anytime, if you want you can disable this feature by unchecking the Preview option on the bottom right corner which will make Sidebar without text formatting and simple text so that you will be able to see styles which have very small fonts.

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Re: Char styles side-panel wrongly displayed

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Thank you, especially, for pointing out the 'preview' check-box. I had not noticed that, and it's a great help being able to switch it off.

Your explanation about the screen magnifcation factor doesn't help, though. I hadn't noticed the screen mag slider but that makes no difference because I use Ctrl-mousewheel ALL the time to zoom in and out. I'm continually adjusting the screen size to exactly what I need.
The unresolved problem is that, with the 'preview' setting selected - which is how I would prefer to have it - the PARA and CHAR previews are permanently, all the time, vanishingly-small and unreadable. It makes no difference what screen magnification I use, the displayed sizes of the styles stay exactly the same- far, far too small. How, please, can I correct this?
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Re: Char styles side-panel wrongly displayed

Post by SuperTech »

I mentioned screen magnification because when we magnify the text in the document, the text size in the sidebar remains the same that's why it looks smaller than actual text.

As the text in the sidebar is the preview of the font size, if you select a very small font size then the preview will be also small otherwise there will be a conflict between font size and preview size.

If on 100% zoom level sidebar text is displaying smaller than actual font size then please share your document in which you have this problem. I tried it but unable to reproduce the problem.

If you want to send it to us privately, please send us an e-mail to forum[at]

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.
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Re: Char styles side-panel wrongly displayed

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Thank you for taking so much trouble to help with this. The difficulty I had is now resolved.
I have set Tools > Options > Appearance > Document scaling > Custom to 143dpi.

Modern monitors and laptop screens have such high resolution that everything displayed becomes very small. I had been compensating for this by using Ctrl-mousewheel to zoom the page to whatever size was convenient, without noticing that I was always using high magnification settings. This made the screen text very readable but it was leaving the side-panel listings of CHAR style names at the natural scale. Footnote references being both small fonts and scaled-down in size by superscripting were virtually unreadable.

By increasing the Document scaling setting, I have overcome this problem.

Thank you again, for your explanations and your patience.
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