Crash reports triggered without any previous indication of a crash

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Crash reports triggered without any previous indication of a crash

Post by Tom123 »

Dear All,

I am running SoftMaker Office 2021 (rev S1016.0624) 64bit under Linux Mint Mate 18.3. I typically close SoftMaker by first closing the document per CTRL+W and then closing the application per CTRL+Q. So far, I have not experienced a crash of TextMaker2021 or Presentations2021 (I seldom use PlanMaker). However, since I work with SMO2021 the crash report has been triggered several times right when I started TextMaker2021 or Presentations2021.

As a result, I am neither able to describe the circumstances of the previous crash assumed by SMO2021 nor to deliberately reproduce the crash report.

Any idea, how to narrow down the problem?

Thanks & regards
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Re: Crash reports triggered without any previous indication of a crash

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. Whenever you get this crash please fill that form with your this email ID which you used on forum and send it to us. Our development team will analyse it and will do debugging accordingly.
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