Small manual format change wrecks whole paragr format

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Small manual format change wrecks whole paragr format

Post by JohnWasilewski »

I try to use styles all the time, not to set all formatting manually. However, sometimes, I need to make small format tweaks.
For example, I might have a 'styled' paragraph near the bottom of a page, which leads into an indented styled list. I don't like a lead-in paragraph to be on the page before the list it refers to, so I edit just that paragraph format manually, to make just this one small local paragraph format adjustment:

Text flow > Paragraph control > Keep with Next.

Small local adjustments like this can be needed for a variety of reasons, but the above is a common one. Another might be fractionally tightening-up the character spacing in just one paragraph, to make it a better shape or to avoid a page break that leaves jut one line on the page before or the page after. Yet another example might be to make a local adjustment to a bullet indent width.

What I am expecting should happen is that all my style settings remain in place for teh paragraph for which I am making a minor formatting adjustment manually, except for my adjustment, which over-rides just the one setting I tinkered with but nothing else, and then stays with only that paragraph,

But what actually happens? It's bad.
TextMaker blows my paragraph apart.

Different things happen depending on what I did but a typical effect, with just this small alteration causing all of it, is all of the following,
- The hole paragraph flies off to the left edge of the page.
- The font changes from Arial to Times New Roman.
- The character size changes.
- The paragraph number disappears.
- If there were bullets, they disappear or change their indent.

Is there some basic thing I am doing wrong all the time here? Is tehre a single setup setting I need to chage to stop this from happening and restore full control to me of my paragraph settings?

Is this a bug?

I so wish it would stop happening and let me concentrate on my work without the distraction of continually returning to this feedback/help forum.
Good support though, SoftMaker, because you always respond quickly, I'll look forward to the reply to this one and, I hope very soon, a cure.
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Re: Small manual format change wrecks whole paragr format

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. Our development team has already fixed this problem. This correction will be included in the next Service Pack of SoftMaker Office which is coming soon.

Thank you
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Re: Small manual format change wrecks whole paragr format

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Oh that is good. Do please issue that fix very soon. I do so need it,
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