SMO in Linux on Chromebook

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SMO in Linux on Chromebook

Post by carandol »

Bit of a techy question here, so I won't be surprised if no-one can answer it!

I'm currently giving SMO2021 a test drive in the inbuilt Linux on my Chromebook. So far it's working perfectly, which is a relief, because there really isn't a decent word processor for Chrome OS, not matter what they tell you. :-) The main problem is I use OneDrive for my storage, and it's impossible to save direct from SMO Linux on a Chromebook to OneDrive - you have to save to the Linux partition, go back into Chrome OS, and upload it to the OneDrive app. And vice versa.
I know there's a way of accessing a OneDrive directory (and other cloud services) directly in Linux. There's a program called RClone which does the trick, but I can't persuade it to run. (I'm not very familiar or confident with Linux). I wondered if any of you SoftMaker-using Linux folks had figured it out?
Or maybe the code could be incorporated into a future version of SMO (he thought, dreamily... Imagine being able to pick up a really cheap Chromebook and run SMO with not a hint of a problem... :D )
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Re: SMO in Linux on Chromebook

Post by SuperTech »

As OneDrive integration is not available in SoftMaker Office, you have to manually upload and download these files on the operating system level. I have forwarded this feature request to our product management...
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Re: SMO in Linux on Chromebook

Post by carandol »

Thanks. :)
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