Unwanted Greek symbol added to document

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Unwanted Greek symbol added to document

Post by JohnWasilewski »

In TextMaker Professional 2021 (rev S1020.0909) 64bit

At the bottom left hand corner of a graphic image I have inserted into a document, a Greek capita letter has appeared out of nowhere. It is the letter, Omega, and I cannot remove it. When I try to do so, by either the backspace-delete key or using Fn-delete forward-deleting, it either stays there, disobeying the delete command, or diappears as required but takes the graphic image away with it as well.
Screenshot 2020-09-29 at 11.58.05.png
It is right next to where the anchor symbol appears, and this behaviour (as above) seems to suggest that it is somehow part of the place-marker for the graphic image, but I don't want it there on the readable version of teh document.

It ism't just an artifact in the on-screen display because, when I use print-preview, it is there also.

Also, if I convert the graphic to an embedded object, them format the line as centred, the graphic flies off to beyond the left side of the screen and the Omega character appearson the far right, whilst still remaining non-removable. If I then jeft-justify, the graphic does as I ask, but jeft-justified isn't how I want it.

I have emailed an in-confidence copy of the document.
Sent: 29 Sep 2020, at 12:21 UK time
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Re: Unwanted Greek symbol added to document

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for sharing the file. I checked the document and found there are unaccepted changes in your document so when I investigated this Omega symbol TextMaker showed that, it was added by you as per the below screenshot.
Omega added.png
Omega added.png (25.12 KiB) Viewed 2537 times
Please select this symbol, accept/reject the changes and you will able to delete it without any problem as shown in the below screenshot.
Omega removed.PNG
Omega removed.PNG (14.81 KiB) Viewed 2537 times
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Re: Unwanted Greek symbol added to document

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Ahhh yes, of course! It was a tracked-changes insertion. It must have been an accidental keystroke that put it there, and I just forgot that it might be a tracked-changes insertion. Once again, I'm sorry. I've been caught before by that one, trying forever to fix something and forgetting that tracked-changes was switched on.
So thank you, and please excuse my embarrassment!
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