Is there a way to set default view on startup please

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Is there a way to set default view on startup please

Post by Roo79x »

Hi I would like to know please how I can set the default view preferences?

in textmaker every time I open it I have to click on view then fit margins to window

in planmaker every time I open it I have to click on view then fit to selection

Is there a way to set this as default view so that it does it automatically when I open them please?

Also is there a way to move the Softmaker folder out of the user directory and move it to either /home/username/Documents/ or preferably /home/username/.local/share/

thank you for your time
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Re: Is there a way to set default view on startup please

Post by SuperTech »

Roo79x wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:16 pm Hi I would like to know please how I can set the default view preferences?

in textmaker every time I open it I have to click on view then fit margins to window

in planmaker every time I open it I have to click on view then fit to selection

Is there a way to set this as default view so that it does it automatically when I open them please?
1. Open PlanMaker/TextMaker.
2. Open template file which is located in your Documents folder with this path:

For PlanMaker it's \home\SoftMaker\Templates2018\English (US)\Normal.pmvx
For TextMaker it's \home\SoftMaker\Templates2018\English (US)\Normal.tmvx

3. Make your desired changes in this file.
4. Save and close it.
5. That's it. Now, whenever you will open PlanMaker/TextMaker, you will find new file with these changes.
Roo79x wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:16 pm Also is there a way to move the Softmaker folder out of the user directory and move it to either /home/username/Documents/ or preferably /home/username/.local/share/
There is no way.
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Re: Is there a way to set default view on startup please

Post by Roo79x »

SuperTech wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:36 am There is no way.
This goes against the linux directory structure convention. Why is there no way? what is preventing it from being done. This is requested very often also it CAN be done it's just not done there is a difference take a look here ... 350#p67404
how can this be done for freeoffice 2018 on manjaro linux as none of the files are the same for softmaker office 2021 and freeoffice 2018
1. Open PlanMaker/TextMaker.
2. Open template file which is located in your Documents folder with this path:

For PlanMaker it's \home\SoftMaker\Templates2018\English (US)\Normal.pmvx
For TextMaker it's \home\SoftMaker\Templates2018\English (US)\Normal.tmvx

3. Make your desired changes in this file.
4. Save and close it.
5. That's it. Now, whenever you will open PlanMaker/TextMaker, you will find new file with these changes
Thanks I tried that but that does not work every time I open a document I still have to change the view setting
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Re: Is there a way to set default view on startup please

Post by SuperTech »

Did you save after making changes Normal.tmvx?

Open Normal.tmvx again and check if changes are still there or not.

SoftMaker folder contains important settings which are required to run the software that's why renaming this folder is not possible.
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Re: Is there a way to set default view on startup please

Post by Roo79x »

Yes I saved the changes before I closed the file.
Also I didn't ask about changing the name of the folder just it's location. Take a proper look at the link I posted in my previous post. The person there did work out how to change the directory. I just need to know how to replicate what they did but with Freeoffice 2018. It can be done SoftMaker just refuse to acknowledge that it can.
Tom123 wrote: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:16 pm Hi Piedro,

I hit upon the same issue a few days ago (cf. as many others did some time ago.

It seems, as if this behavior (which contradicts all best practices of Linux) has been implemented by the SoftMaker team on purpose. Don't ask me why.

Here is the (not very sophisticated) workaround, that I have introduced for my Linux system (Linux Mint 18.3):
  • Launch each component of SoftMaker office at least once and do some basic configuration (so that the SoftMaker directory is created) and close them afterwards.
  • Enhance the start-up scripts under /usr/bin/*21 by some "fake HOME directory" code. here is my textmaker21 script:

    Code: Select all

    # A script to run TextMaker.
    if [ ! -d "$HOME" ]; then
       mkdir "$HOME"
    /usr/share/office2021/textmaker "$@"
  • Relocate the SoftMaker configuration directory to $HOME"/.SoftMaker21 and adjust the initialization files.

    Code: Select all

    % cd
    % mkdir .SoftMaker21
    % mv SoftMaker .SoftMaker21
    % cd .SoftMaker21/SoftMaker/Settings
    Edit install.ini, pm21config.ini, pr21config.ini, tm21config.ini and replace "SoftMaker" by ".SoftMaker21/SoftMaker".
  • Create symbolic links of system configuration folders

    Code: Select all

    % cd ~/.SoftMaker21
    % ln -s ../.cache .
    % ln -s ../.config .
    % ln -s ../.local .
    % ln -s ../.kde .
    Depending on your environment, you may need to link other or additional system folders.
That's it. You can now start the different components of SoftMaker office. This approach is definitely not perfect and any suggestions for further improvement are welcome, but so far it works for me.

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