Review of (краткий обзор) TextMaker

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Mihail Prokofev
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Review of (краткий обзор) TextMaker

Post by Mihail Prokofev »

Review of the SoftMaker text editor (ENG from translator + russian):
- was able to open a text DOCK X 213 pages on 215 pages. But it took a long time.
- understands styles and auto-assembled table of contents. Can work with it - you can update the table of contents.
- in General, it draws MSO tables quite well, but sometimes the table gets longer by a row or two (it doesn't fit in its place).
- can't work with MSO charts, but can display them at 80 percent (for example, "bagel" will draw, but the percentage of "bagel" may be can't)
- there is no formula editor for Linux. Not at all. On the forum, the developer writes "we want to add this, but it's not clear when we will do it". There is no solution to the problem, they say.
- displays MSO formulas in the form of images, but puts them crookedly (Libreoffice does not display formulas in the MSO2007 format at all.
- some drawings of JPEGS and apgs for some reason fell off and disappeared
- does not understand the EMF format (Windows metafile)
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Re: Review of (краткий обзор) TextMaker

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for the review. Please share the associated files of TextMaker 2021 in which you are getting these problems so that we can do further investigation for resolution.

We are aware of some problems you mentioned and our developer team is working on them. Please allow us some time.

If you want to send it to us privately, please e-mail us at the forum[at]

Please also include the forum URL of this topic so that we can trace your e-mail.

I have removed duplicate Russian content because this is an English forum.
Mihail Prokofev
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:06 am

Re: Review of (краткий обзор) TextMaker

Post by Mihail Prokofev »


I re-examined the compatibility of TextMaker with MSO and sent an email.
Now , I have a much better impression of TextMaker than I did the first time.

Overall, I have good news. In test 213-pages file with careful calculation, it turned out:
- not all charts are losing percents
- images are almost always saved without distortion
- only 2 tables out of all were slightly distorted
- the scheme from Microsoft graphic blocks works at 90%. In principle, it works 100%.
- in General, the formatting of the document text corresponds to the original
- EMF is not supported, but Linux WINE can't display it either.

Recommendations: probably part of the problem lies in different versions of Word and different versions of its updates. My file was edited for many years, including in LibreOffice, after which I copied everything from it to Word again.

Problem №1 - the formula editor is missing. After saving the document in TextMaker, all formulas will be lost.
Problem №2 - EMF is not supported.
User can simply drop EMF and insert tables as normal tables. This is what most users do. This is my personal feature, it is more convenient for me to work with large tables.
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SoftMaker Team
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Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:31 pm

Re: Review of (краткий обзор) TextMaker

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for sending the file with details. I have forwarded it to our development team.
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