Cross-ref to rel.posn. of a caption: not working

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Cross-ref to rel.posn. of a caption: not working

Post by JohnWasilewski »

TextMaker Professional 2021 (rev S1024.1205) 64bit

Add a caption to a graphic, with and caption text.

Now try to point to it with a ross ref from elsewhere.
Insert crossref to its relative position, selecting the caption from the drop-down list.
Instead of inserting 'below', TM inserts the full caption no, and its text.

I assume it does the same when the relative position is 'above', but I haven't tried that.
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Re: Cross-ref to rel.posn. of a caption: not working

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem. I was able to reproduce it and forwarded the details to our development team.
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