iPad OS

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iPad OS

Post by azguy »

There are now over 200 million ipad's currently capable of running Softmaker Office. That is a good sized market. Apple and several other competitors now sell millions of iPad Keyboards. iPadOS has full keyboard and trackpad support included in the operating system. In short, iPad OS is ready for Softmaker Office.

I am a licensed Softmaker Office 2021 user. In my work I use both Macs, and iPads.

Right now Softmaker is restricted without an iPadOS edition. Clients get really excited when I present Softmaker Office. Unfortunately, the excitement dies quickly when they realize that they will have to use a different app on their iPad. Why? Apple handoff.

I see Apple Handoff used all the time in offices. Very popular feature with executives and assistants who are on the go. Apple Handoff makes it easy to transfer documents between iPhones, iPads and Macs.

iPads are now a major player in many industries. Softmaker needs to be there as well.
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Re: iPad OS

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestion. I have forwarded this request to our product management...
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