Side by Side Windows problem

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Side by Side Windows problem

Post by enonod »

I see an issue with two document windows in that after an operation, clicking the mouse on the page of one of them the flashing cursor is extra tall (say two lines) and not anywhere related to a line of text let alone the line of text where clicked. Moving the mouse and clicking still does not align the cursor on the line of text and still large.
Wait a while and it returns to normal.
I cannot see that the edit done could possibly make Textmaker busy.
I cannot obviously provide a document sample, so I rely on somebody reproducing it.
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Re: Side by Side Windows problem

Post by SuperTech »

Are you getting this problem with any specific document, or with all documents?
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Re: Side by Side Windows problem

Post by enonod »

Any document opened as an existing document.
A new blank document does not show the large cursor, it shows no cursor after clicking the blank page, until clicking, say, the scroll bar, then it appears.
When I click back on the first document, the large cursor is related to the mouse position but offset above it and to the right by a large amount. It does not always appear on the page it can be anywhere even in the right sidebars. In other words, it is on the image of Textmaker somewhere.
On the second document (right) eventually I get a correct response by clicking either scroll bar, then I click on the first document the left cursor is now correct.

Then I click the right document page and no cursor until I click either scroll bar (without moving it).
The left goes back to large cursor when clicked.
The only observation I can make is that it appears that clicking the page itself on the second window does not give it Focus, only clicking the scroll bar [PS] Just noticed, after clicking the second page (right) it only requires the mouse to move off the page onto the surround to produce the cursor.
I hope this helps.
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Re: Side by Side Windows problem

Post by SuperTech »

Please provide a screen recording of this problem for better understanding of the issue.
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