Animating a numbered list

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Animating a numbered list

Post by ChrisV »

Hello there,
I recently purchased SoftMaker Office, and I am very happy with it. I mostly need it as a replacement for PowerPoint, LibreOffice Present is just garbage.

Anyway, I have one small issue that hasn't been address in other posts. When making a list, I would like to animate the numbered lines individually.
What I mean is that I want to have each line(paragraph) in a list with its own animation command, not one animation for the entire text box that I can click on multiple times, and it will show each line individually.

I understand this may not be clear, so I sent a sample file. I know SoftMaker can do what I am asking because when a file is copied from PowerPoint it does what I want, I can even edit it. The sample is from a slide I used in a reading class with my English language students.
Slide one was copied from PowerPoint and is what I want. Slide two was re-created in SoftMaker and does not function how I want.

The advantages of doing what I am asking is that I can use different animations for each line(as I put in the sample), and I can choose not to animate certain lines(typically the first). In slide two, the first line should not be animated, but I can not turn only that line off.

Yes, I can just copy and edit slide one in the future, but that comes with a lot of limitations. I can't animate a seventh line or make other significant changes.

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Re: Animating a numbered list

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem with the sample file. Currently, it is possible to have the same animation appear independently for each line but animating individual lines/list inside an object with different animations is not possible, I have forwarded this as a feature request to our developer team.
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