Keyboard character input not accepted - all Apps

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Keyboard character input not accepted - all Apps

Post by sva »


I experienced an issue with all the Office Apps not accepting any form of keyboard character input. I could navigate using the keyboard arrow keys, and use the Ribbon bar buttons to color cells, within Plan, but I simply could not enter any characters into cells.

The same issue occurred within all the Apps - TextMaker, PlanMaker, and Presentations

The Solution I stumbled across was for each App in turn, to select the Tools menu (from the top of the screen's application specific menubar), select Options, and then the popup window's "General" tab, then check the "Extended support for Asia fonts" checkbox. (Or in the case of Presentations - "Keyboard support for Asian fonts") - thereafter things should work... hopefully.

The only thing I can think of that may have caused this, was that recently I upgraded my Mac OS to macOS Montery 12.3.1 since prior to that, I had no issues (I was on an earlier Montery version prior to that).

The version of FreeOffice that I am using is, 2021 - rev F1042.1212 64bit.
I have a Japanese Keyboard layout, (as I am based in Japan), although my default language is set to English (US), and have no special software other than the basic Apple supported IME defaulting to English input "Romanji".

Hope this helps, and thanks for producing a really useful App suite.
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Re: Keyboard character input not accepted - all Apps

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for posting your problem but as you are using Japanese layout keyboard, please check the option "Keyboard support for Asian fonts" which will enable you to type without any problem.
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