32 bit version of Softmaker Office?

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32 bit version of Softmaker Office?

Post by Steve68 »

I'm running a 32 bit version of MX Linux (Debian) on an older laptop. It came with LibreOffice which is not compatible with MS Office. I was impressed with the 64 bit version of Softmaker Office 2021 on my work laptop because it doesn't destroy the original formatting of the document, spreadsheet or presentation if it was done with MS Office.

Is there a 32 bit version of Softmaker Office available? If not currently, does Softmaker maintain an archive of older versions?
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Re: 32 bit version of Softmaker Office?

Post by SuperTech »

We don't support 32-bit Linux anymore. Older versions of SoftMaker Office did, but they have trouble with the latest 32-bit Linux distributions.
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