Moving SM-Office-2021 license

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Moving SM-Office-2021 license

Post by mokaz »

Hi all,

Before I'm doing anything I'd like to know if there is a procedure to "move" a license from one host to another?
According to what I've been reading, each License Keys comes with 5 activation's, I'd rather avoid to use these if I'm re-installing my host anew.

If this is possible are there instructions for both Windows and Linux?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Kind regards,
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Re: Moving SM-Office-2021 license

Post by raitis.veksejs »

You shouldn't worry about the activation count if you are just reinstalling SoftMaker Office 2021. You are allowed in the private household to use the license on 5 devices simultaneously and it is the main rule. Don't install on more devices than allowed and if you replace any device, just uninstall from the old one and install on the new one. There is a reasonable count of activations allowed for the license owner; if you reach the limit, you should just contact our support team to resolve the problem.
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Re: Moving SM-Office-2021 license

Post by Woody44 »

I am not the person who asked the question, but I have the same question. And your response does not answer the question, it ignores it.

We know that we are allowed to have the software installed on up to five devices on one license. If we remove the software from an old computer and install it on a new one -- we still only have the software on one device, so why should we have to use up a second activation?

Suppose I already have SoftMaker Office installed on five computers.(That's not difficult -- I have two desktop computers, a laptop, an 8-inch tablet and a 10-inch tablet.) So if I want to retire the old laptop and replace it with a new one, I won't have any "extra" activations remaining. Even Microsoft recognizes this and has a procedure to migrate Office from an old device to a new device.

Please answer the question: How can we move SoftMaker Office from one device to another device WITHOUT using up an additional activation?
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Re: Moving SM-Office-2021 license

Post by raitis.veksejs »

Any time you do a full reinstallation of your operating system or replace your old device with the new one you have to activate your installed SoftMaker Office 2021. There is no special process for moving licenses on our side - simple activation. There is enough flexibility built into the licensing that you can simply install it on the new computer. If you ever receive a message about running out of installations, contact our support team to reset the license key.
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Re: Moving SM-Office-2021 license

Post by mokaz »

Hi there,

Thanks a lot for your explanations. Indeed, I'd have taken options like "seeing" in real time which devices has SMO2021 currently installed and licensed under the 5 available activation's I.E. on the SM user portal. Thus, giving me an option to kick out an older unused device for example.

Being an IT pro, I'm using countless VMs and re-install my OS'es more than the average users, testing new features etc. I completely understand that my scheme is far from the average user obviously though still having an online checkup of the current situation would be neat.

In any cases, I'm very happy flying my docs with you guys and the ability to kick docs back and forth Windows to Linux is priceless.

If running into issues, I'll contact support.


PS: the activation process doesn't seems to support "proxied" environments (ProxyCap helps but supporting OS wide configured proxies would be cool as well)
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Re: Moving SM-Office-2021 license

Post by raitis.veksejs »

About activating using proxies - we expect a direct internet connection.
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