Post here those questions, bug reports and suggestions for SoftMaker Office 2021 for Windows that do not fit in any of the application-specific subforums.
I can't get the thousands separator to work at all. This is how it looks like in the settings:
The chosen format below shows it correctly: -1.234,56 but above it looks completely different.
Any Ideas what I do wrong?
The displayed Value is 1 Million typed 1000000 and with thousands separator on that gives me 1000000.0
What? Isn't it supposed to show 1.000.000 instead? Separating the thousands? But it hangs a decimal point on the end and another 0...
I can't reproduce your result. It doesn't matter if I set the currency format to Europe (1) or Europe (2), with the number of decimal places set to zero I have no decimal places displayed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Life is uncertain - enjoy each moment
And with the "Thousands Separator" on you probably see 1.000.000 instead of 1000000.0 as it should be...
Just I don't. And no idea whether it is caused by a discrepancy between how windows wants to set the comma and how the program want's it?
Could you please provide us with a sample file? Normally, there are not allowed decimal separator and thousands separator the same - your screenshot shows that both are dots.