A picture inserted into a TextMaker document via the “New Picture” command (which loads a picture file into a document) results in the picture being inserted in accordance with my “Default” settings. A picture inserted into a document via “Paste Special” → “DIB picture” is inserted without regard to my default settings.
For example, even though my default settings are for Object → Layout → Wrap Margins of 0 in every direction (so that a picture should occupy the full width between the left and right margins), the picture is actually pasted with “0.13” inch margins, with the result that it is neither as large as it could be, it is off-center, and, correspondingly, it does not occupy the full width of the page. Of course, other defaults are ignored as well.
I’m sure I reported this issue many years ago, but I can’t verify my belief as the forum posts only go back as far as TextMaker 2018. Over the years I must have manually corrected thousands of picture. I’m getting older; my biological clock is running down; my remaining minutes are becoming ever more valuable. Will you folks not consider correcting the problem?

Kind regards,
Richard Kanarek
P.S. If you folks were as OCD as Germans are supposed to be -- or as I am -- both SMO and this forum wouldn't mark TextMaker and SoftMaker as misspelled.