I have noticed that while entering "Comment" in a cell the Planmaker application crashes after a few seconds. This happens if entering a new comment or editing an already entered comment
Kindly correct this issue
Planmaker Crashes when entering COMMENT
Re: Planmaker Crashes when entering COMMENT
Thank you for your post, but we are unable to reproduce this crash. Are you getting this problem with any specific file or with all the files?
Please share your sminfo.txt file which you can generate by clicking on '?' > About > Write system information.
You can also try the option Reset all settings under About and then check this problem again after restarting PlanMaker.
Please share your sminfo.txt file which you can generate by clicking on '?' > About > Write system information.
You can also try the option Reset all settings under About and then check this problem again after restarting PlanMaker.
Re: Planmaker Crashes when entering COMMENT
The problem of crashing upon entering a "Comment" has disappeared in Today's Public Beta

Re: Planmaker Crashes when entering COMMENT
Thanks for letting us know