Stop 'Table of Contents' from showing itself in the Table of Contents

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Stop 'Table of Contents' from showing itself in the Table of Contents

Post by Theorize5180 »

When I format the words 'Table of Contents' as a heading, it will then show in the document structure, as per the left section of the attached image, where the left side of the red arrow is pointing. I do want it to show in the structure. That makes it a clickable link to quickly jump to it.

However, it will also then show itself as an entry within the table of contents. How do I prevent this. Is there a way to format something as a header, so it will show in the clickable structure, without it showing in the table of contents?

If not, is there another way to create a text heading above a table of contents, which will show itself in the clickable structure?
Table of Contents.png
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Re: Stop 'Table of Contents' from showing itself in the Table of Contents

Post by SuperTech »

Thank you for your post. To hide it from the Table of content, please follow these steps:
1. Select the text “Table of content”.
2. Right click on it and select option paragraph.
3. In outline level, select level 0 and click OK.
4. Right-click on your Table of content and update it.
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Re: Stop 'Table of Contents' from showing itself in the Table of Contents

Post by Theorize5180 »

Thank you, that works fine.
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