Graphic appearing on top of text

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Graphic appearing on top of text

Post by nicholassmall »

When I open the attached file in Word 2019, the graphic "BCL" appears at the top of the page, with "Bottisham Community Library Association" below it.

In TextMaker 2024 for Windows, the graphic is displayed on top of (and partly obscuring) the text.

On checking the Picture Properties, I find that the Object is set to 'Move with text'. When I change this to 'Fix on page' it displays correctly.

Is this a quirk of Word or TextMaker?
Invite 20th Ann.docx
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Re: Graphic appearing on top of text

Post by Devonboy78 »

If I amend Picture Properties to 'Fix on Page' the picture is displayed above the margin. To display it as I assume Word does (I could only try out the original document in Libre Office as I don't use Word) with the Picture within the margin I applied 'Fix on Page' and Vertical Offset of 1.25 cm. Now BCL then appeared above "Bottisham Community Library Association" BUT the picture of the books at the bottom of the page was moved to a new page, and I had to delete one of the 3 line breaks after the last paragraph. This didn't happen with the document in Libre Office so I assume it is a 'quirk' in Textmaker 2024 NX (and also Textmaker 2021)
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Re: Graphic appearing on top of text

Post by Woody44 »

When I opened the test file in Word, it displayed as described, with the text beneath the logo.

When I opened it in TextMaker, also as described the logo is superimposed in front of the text line. The issue seems to be that in Word, text wrapping is active and set for "Above and Below." In TextMaker, text wrapping options are grayed out and not available.

As to whether this is a quirk of Word or TextMaker, with all respect to the good folks at SoftMaker, Word is the 800 pound gorilla in the office suite market. Other programs/apps in the office suite market compete on how well their programs offer file compatibility with Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. So, the only answer here is that TextMaker doesn't correctly interpret the file from Word, so any "quirk" is in TextMaker.

I like TextMaker very much and I suggest it as my first suggestion to anyone fleeing from Microsoft Office, but SoftMaker claims seamless interchange with MS Office, and that unfortunately is NOT a valid claim. This is simply one more example.
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Re: Graphic appearing on top of text

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting this problem with sample file. I am able to reproduce the problem and forwarded the details to our developer team.
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Re: Graphic appearing on top of text

Post by Woody44 »

Thank you, SuperTech
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Re: Graphic appearing on top of text

Post by Whitedragon »

I am new to Softmaker and had the same problem, hence ending up here. I found that by right clicking on the picture and selecting 'convert to object frame' it removed the wrapping and allowed me to select which wrap option I wanted from properties.
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