Insert hyperlink or cross reference

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Insert hyperlink or cross reference

Post by caspar4 »

I want to link text (word or phrase) in text back to another place in the text. I have tried both cross reference and hyperlink to a bookmark in the text. Although they work at first, once used, the hyperlink or cross reference disappears.

Is there a method to link a clickable blue hyperlink to another place in the text?
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Re: Insert hyperlink or cross reference

Post by Woody44 »

See pages 534 and 535 of the TextMaker User manual. Don't use cross-references, use bookmarks.
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Re: Insert hyperlink or cross reference

Post by caspar4 »

Thanks Woody. In my first try, I had left blank "file name or url". This time I browsed to the file name: "D:/xz/NM.tmdx" and bookmark "Munich".
Using "Ctrl-left mouse click" took me to the bookmark "Munich" the first time but not the 2nd time.

When I edited the url, message was "File D:/xz/NM.tmdx#Munich" not found. I deleted "#Munich" at the end but editing message came back:
""File D:/xz/NM.tmdx" not found.
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Re: Insert hyperlink or cross reference

Post by Woody44 »

But you don't want to hyperlink to a URL, you want to link to a different place in the same document. To do that, you have to place a bookmark at the destination, then you create a hyperlink to the bookmark.

I just tested the procedure. You don't use the URL window at all. After I set a bookmark, I then backed up several pages in a manuscript and placed a hyperlink. When I opened the pop-up dialogue window for hyperlinks, below the URL window there's another window that lists the bookmarks. Select the bookmark to which you want to link, fill in where it asks for the text you want to appear at the hyperlink, and click to finish.
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Re: Insert hyperlink or cross reference

Post by caspar4 »

I must have some setting wrong. What happens is this. I create the hyperlink correctly to a bookmark with nothing in the "url or file" field.
I do Ctrl-Left Click on the hyperlink, which takes me to the bookmark. So far so good.
But then when I go back to the hyperlink and try it again, nothing happens. I examine the hyperlink (by Edit hyperlink) and find that the hyperlink lists a file like "filename#bookmark" with nothing in the bookmark field, so naturally they hyperlink doesn't work the 2nd time. It's a mystery, but hopefully one of the Softmaker techs will see this post and have an idea.
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Insert hyperlink or cross reference

Post by Woody44 »

SoftMaker will have to help you. I tested my sample and I was able to use the hyperlink successfully multiple times. Edit hyperlink showed it to be the same as it was when I created it, with nothing in the URL window.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
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