Genealogy Chart conversion to jpeg

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Genealogy Chart conversion to jpeg

Post by KimberlyS »

Hello! I am needing guidance on a project that begins in Plan Maker but will end up with a different format.

I made a 34 generation descent chart from Charlemagne to modernity in Plan Maker. I want to print it so that it's like a long scroll. It will eventually be 4' long and 7" across. I have three of this type that I plan to have printed with Vista Print on a large poster and then cut into three long scrolls. The image quality is also important as I have photos, family crests and other images included in file.

When I save as a PDF, I can only attach the individual pages in Vista Print and it is not a cohesive image. The images are broken where there are page breaks. I think I am needing to save the image as a jpeg so that I can move the three files onto Vista Print for printing but this is not an option. I also do not have access to the Adobe suite. I am not using genealogy software for aesthetic reasons.

I am kind of stuck here as to what my next move should be. Any ideas or direction is greatly appreciated!

- Kimberly
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Re: Genealogy Chart conversion to jpeg

Post by Jossi »

All SoftMaker Office programs have a maximum paper size (print output) of 22'' x 22''. So I'm afraid this will not be possible.
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Re: Genealogy Chart conversion to jpeg

Post by Woody44 »

If you have Windows, you have Windows Paint, and you have Snipping Tool. You can use the snipping tool to copy sections of the geneological table, then paste them into a file in Paint until you get the full family tree. Once you have the full chart in paint, it can be configured to print on any size paper, or converted to a PDF to be sent to a printer.
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Re: Genealogy Chart conversion to jpeg

Post by Janderson »

You might want to do your genealogy chart in sections. This way, it would be more manageable. I do horse pedigrees in Excel. Six generation across seems to be an optimal size before things start to look crowded.
Have you thought of doing your genealogy in book form? Lulu lets you upload a pdf, buy one copy to check it over. Then if all is good, they print on demand. That is, anyone wanting to buy, they order direct from Lulu.
A good format for a genealogy chart book, is to have a common ancestor and branches from the dids, each child having their own section.
A list of each name, parents, who they married, kids, etc. is good in spreadsheet form. Each section can have pictures of people in that section.
To me, it is important to use > name > next gen > and next > from common ancestor down to the current descendant of each name. This way, you don't have to wonder who any person is and how they would be related, if they are related at all.
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