Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

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Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by yowlingcat »

I am using my Chromebooks more and more - a version of SM for Chrome OS would be much appreciated.

Anyone else using this OS?

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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by Jim-J »


I referred your request to the product management.
Jim J.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by yowlingcat »

Guess that's a No then ...
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Michael Uplawski
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by Michael Uplawski »

Should not a mobile version for Android run also on Chrome- and ChromiumOS?
... just asking.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by yowlingcat »

It does but not terribly well. For one thing it does not resize on the latest Android running with ChromeOS and secondly, scrolling is somewhat strange, you have to click on the document to stop it scrolling as you move the cursor up and down.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by Michael Uplawski »

yowlingcat wrote:It does but not terribly well. For one thing it does not resize on the latest Android running with ChromeOS and secondly, scrolling is somewhat strange, you have to click on the document to stop it scrolling as you move the cursor up and down.
As I am currently making my n-th bad experience with yet another Chromium-based browser, I tend to turn the whole topic around and ask a general “Why should anyone want to do that” or maintain any effort in that direction... Sorry.


[Edits]: Denglish and Fringlish ... this is becoming frightening.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by yowlingcat »

Not sure I understand - are you just saying that you don't like Chrome, or that you don't like any browser, or you don't like software working in the cloud?

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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by Michael Uplawski »

yowlingcat wrote:Not sure I understand - are you just saying that you don't like Chrome, or that you don't like any browser, or you don't like software working in the cloud?
The more fuss is made these days about anything declared to be “Innovation” the more you can be certain that the box contains a considerable volume of hot air. If the hot air had been there, even before the actual product could be touched by anybody, then the self-declared “Innovators” act and shout for reasons of liability, less out of conviction.

I do not like the cloud and nothing which adds just complication to our daily life and the chance to abuse inexperienced, well-meaning or even downright dumb people. Progress is whenever you feel better afterwards, than you did before. Even if it is different for you, I can and must state for my own peace of mind, that Chromium-based systems are superfluous as is the nth. Chromium-based browser, taking into account that they do not arrive at doing the same as other browsers or systems, which are available for much longer.

To be fair, I admit that I also do not own a smartphone and hopefully never will. It is impossible for me to estimate what the development of an office-version for a specific platform means in terms of time and money. But I have an impression of the list of untouched bug-reports, and also the feature-requests.

Sometimes, I wished that SoftMaker would make inquiries among their users.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by yowlingcat »

I love the cloud, and I love Chromium and Chrome OS, and I use G-Suite (its unfortunate modern name) for some of my work. It works just great and - if you are an ordinary user - it is free (of monetary charge).

You seem to be seeing demons and devils in the cloud - I'm sure that there are unscrupulous people out there, there are in any walk of life - but Google is doing some great things.

Coming back to the original post, I think that the point was that SM is doing nothing about a seismic shift in computing and is sticking with its traditional model of Windows. That is dying - and SM needs to adjust or it will disappear. Many people are using browser based apps. When I go to meetings, people turn up with Apple tablets and use them with a bluetooth keyboard instead of a laptop.

Everyone has to move with the times.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by Michael Uplawski »

yowlingcat wrote:Coming back to the original post, I think that the point was that SM is doing nothing about a seismic shift in computing and is sticking with its traditional model of Windows. That is dying - and SM needs to adjust or it will disappear. Many people are using browser based apps.
And many more drive diesel motors, which is about the same level of idiocy.
When I go to meetings, people turn up with Apple tablets and use them with a bluetooth keyboard instead of a laptop.
Your meetings.
Everyone has to move with the times.

Nope. I move the times. In the same way, it can be advantageous to develop one's own software. The world is like this the world is like that and if you do not see it, you are not realist. I tell you things which make you tremble with fear, a common scenario, these days: The world is bigger than that.

SoftMaker have never done, what any big software-concern had expected of them.
According to your displayed understanding of how the times move and how people behave, SoftMaker does not exist. You catch my drift? All I say is just:
I am right, you are wrong. A common scenario, these days.
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Re: Chrome OS: when is SM going to do a version?

Post by yowlingcat »

"I am right, you are wrong. A common scenario, these days."

Actually I am unsubscribing this thread because you are either staggeringly rude or just plain weird. You wouldn't say that to my face if we met for the first time and were talking about this subject, so why write it down? As I say, you either have a social problem or are some sort of weirdo. Bye bye.
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