Document content panel needs improving

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Document content panel needs improving

Post by JohnWasilewski »

The 'Document Content' panel is extremely useful in a long, complex document. I use it ALL the time.

Two things need attention, though. Please, Softmaker, treat them as two requests, not one. You might be able to do the first one very simply, without leaving it in a 'maybe-later' file along with teh second on.

Please will you fix it for us, Softmaker, so that the mouse wheel scrolls this panel either very smoothly or else, if it can't be made perfectly-smooth scrolling, then at worst, with single-line incremental jumps, not many-line jumps as now. When I have maybe 25 or 50 entries in this panel, and I am trying to navigate carefully up or down the document structure by scrolling it, I lose my place EVERY time it suddenly leaps vertically be 5 or 10 lines. It's supposed to be a magnifying glass on the document structure. It needs to scroll accurately, not with coarse-resolution multi-line jumps.

Could TM be programmed so that the document was editable WITHIN THE Doc-Content panel? What I have in mind is to enable a line of the Doc-Content panel to be dragged to a new position, with this action moving the whole block of all lower-level headings and text to its new home. I seem to remember that I could do this with M$Word, and I'd really like to have TM do the same.
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Re: Document content panel needs improving

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestions. I have forwarded these feature requests to our development team.
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