Default underline style

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Default underline style

Post by JohnWasilewski »

Would SM consider changing the default underlining style?

At the moment, the default is the very thin line version, very close beneath the selected text. I believe that the slightly heavier underline, slightly lower under the selected text, gives the appearance with which most people are more familiar and which they probably prefer. This is selectable in the dialog box that opens when selected through the format-character menu but it is a nuisance to have to do all that stuff every time, instead of just pressing Ctrl=U. Could perhaps the heavier underline be made the default?

Alternatively, more complicatedly and not really needed but it would be better than nothing, could there be a setting for users to select the preferred default?

Better still, can this be done already and I am just so daft that I haven't found it yet?!
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Re: Default underline style

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for your suggestion. I have forwarded this request to our developer team.
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