I am not an SM employee, just a customer. I found your post interesting, so I thought I’d do a little bit of research (emphasis on little) and see if I could help you or at least increase the level in my own pool of knowledge.
N.B. Insert an “AFAIK” before every declarative statement.

N.B. I use the “Classic,” non-ribbon interface.
TextMaker has two “new file” commands:
- “Create a new default document” (dogeared page icon): This command creates a new document using the default template. It opens the new document without any intermediary dialogs. Unless you used TM’s powerful and wonderful ability to change shortcut keys, this is the command you execute when you hit [Ctrl]+[N].
- “Create a new document” (dogeared page with downward pointing triangle icon): This command creates a new document after first allowing you to choose a template. Just hitting the [Enter] key causes the default template to be used.
If you would like to be able to “create a new default document” by clicking on an icon/button rather than hitting [Ctrl]+[N], all you need to do is to add the command’s icon/button to your menu bar. Similarly, if you hate the “create a new document” command (the command with the template dialog), you can delete it from the menu bar.
The only problem with making the above changes is that the “Add/remove buttons” function (Menu bar far right: "»"→“Add/remove buttons”) seems a bit troubled in this regard. It only lists the “New…” (“create a new document”) button. One needs to go to the Tools→Customize… command to find the “create a new default document” command/button/icon.
Richard Kanarek
Aside/Note to SM:
The thing I find most annoying about the template dialog is not its occasional appearances but the retrograde changes that have befallen it. It now displays miniature images of my templates (which do not indicate most of their important differences) whilst obscuring their file names (which do). Admittedly, the changes to the template dialog are not as hateful as those done to the search function with its new accursed side panel, but they’re still not welcome.