Opening new document

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Opening new document

Post by Neno »

Hi, is there a workaround of this necessity to choose a template every time I want to create a new document? Although, I set the default, it still asks me to choose. It's pretty annoying :) . Also, (probably not Texmaker's fault), but how can I resolve the issue of - when a new doc opens - it opens in half a size of a window? So I need to click three times before I start to use the document :D.

Link to the screenshot:!Aj224Rsr4kY6mMVTDC- ... A?e=TcxRzN

Thank you
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Re: Opening new document

Post by RKanarek »


I am not an SM employee, just a customer. I found your post interesting, so I thought I’d do a little bit of research (emphasis on little) and see if I could help you or at least increase the level in my own pool of knowledge.

N.B. Insert an “AFAIK” before every declarative statement. ;-)
N.B. I use the “Classic,” non-ribbon interface.

TextMaker has two “new file” commands:
  • “Create a new default document” (dogeared page icon): This command creates a new document using the default template. It opens the new document without any intermediary dialogs. Unless you used TM’s powerful and wonderful ability to change shortcut keys, this is the command you execute when you hit [Ctrl]+[N].
  • “Create a new document” (dogeared page with downward pointing triangle icon): This command creates a new document after first allowing you to choose a template. Just hitting the [Enter] key causes the default template to be used.
If you would like to be able to “create a new default document” by clicking on an icon/button rather than hitting [Ctrl]+[N], all you need to do is to add the command’s icon/button to your menu bar. Similarly, if you hate the “create a new document” command (the command with the template dialog), you can delete it from the menu bar.
The only problem with making the above changes is that the “Add/remove buttons” function (Menu bar far right: "»"→“Add/remove buttons”) seems a bit troubled in this regard. It only lists the “New…” (“create a new document”) button. One needs to go to the Tools→Customize… command to find the “create a new default document” command/button/icon.

Richard Kanarek

Aside/Note to SM:
The thing I find most annoying about the template dialog is not its occasional appearances but the retrograde changes that have befallen it. It now displays miniature images of my templates (which do not indicate most of their important differences) whilst obscuring their file names (which do). Admittedly, the changes to the template dialog are not as hateful as those done to the search function with its new accursed side panel, but they’re still not welcome.
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Re: Opening new document

Post by SuperTech »

In the new dialog box, there is one view dropdown on the top from which you can select small/medium/large as per your requirements.
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Re: Opening new document

Post by RKanarek »


Whilst one can modify the new new-dialog-box, one can't modify it to my requirements. What I like is to be able to easily read the template titles, which I always make descriptive (to me, at least, mostly ;-)). Being able/forced to scroll though a sequence of images of blank pages just isn't ideal for my workflow nor does it seem like an improvement. IMHO, TM's dialog used to be better, even as recently as TM 2018:
TextMaker Pro 2018 - File Dialog with Preview.png
TextMaker Pro 2018 - File Dialog with Preview.png (9.37 KiB) Viewed 7833 times
Also, I failed to address Neno's second question; no wonder I'm not an SM employee! I hope someone will!

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Re: Opening new document

Post by Neno »

Thank youu for this ctrl + n stuff :D That's what I needed, thanx a bunch =D>
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Re: Opening new document

Post by SuperTech »

Neno wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:28 am Also, (probably not Texmaker's fault), but how can I resolve the issue of - when a new doc opens - it opens in half a size of a window? So I need to click three times before I start to use the document :D.
Zoom level is actually a document wise setting, so if you want to open all your new documents with full size i.e. "Fit margins", please open the default template by clicking on ribbon command File | Open | Selecting the default template. Then change its zoom level as per your requirements and save it. Afterwards, whenever you will open any new document, it will be on the same saved zoom level.
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Re: Opening new document

Post by Neno »

Thank you for your reply. I understand that, but that's not the problem. I don't think this issue is Textmaker's error. Because, this happens when opening a new file explorer window, as well. It opens new window (not just the document) in half of the size than the rest of windows (and not always, but in case of new Textmaker document, this happens always).

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Re: Opening new document

Post by MBA »

I have the same problem: all documents I open in Textmaker open with the wrong zoom.
I've already configurated the template, but I suspect it is using another template that I didn't fix.
How can I check what template it is using? I customized the template for the two languages I use, but the issue was not solved.
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Re: Opening new document

Post by SuperTech »

When you click New under File ribbon command, New dialog box will open containing all templates. You can make any template as default by clicking on the "Set as default" button. For any template, if that button is disabled, it means that template is already set as default template.
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