Error in crossref to footnote relative posn.

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Error in crossref to footnote relative posn.

Post by JohnWasilewski »

With TextMaker Professional 2021 (rev S1044.0316) 64bit:

I have a paragraph in the upper half of a page, which contains a footnote reference.
The corresponding footnote is obviously at the bottom of the page.

In another paragraph. lower down the same page, I have inserted two cross-references to this footnote. Although I used the command-icon to do this, I expect the insert cross-reference menu command would probably do the same thing, but I haven't checked this. The two cross references are to the footnote number, and then to its relative position. It happens to be footnote 16, so my text, with the two auto-generated insertions, was supposed to read, "...see also footnote 16 below. " I typed the text I've shown in black, and I was expecting my two cross-reference function calls to make TextMaker supply the two bits I've coloured red and blue. Note that although its referring point in the text is in a paragraph above where I entered my two cross references, the footnote itself is at the bottom of the same page, so it is below the cross references.

My cross references are intended to point to the number 16, and the relative position below of the reference footnote at the bottom of the page. I had entered in the text immediately before adding this cross-reference, "...see also footnote ", and I then inserted my two cross-references, first to the footnote number, and then to its relative position.

The result should have been: "...see also footnote 16 below. "
But TextMaker gave me this : "...see also footnote 16 16 above. "

Two things have gone wrong with the relative position call. Instead of returning just the word, "below," to point to the actual footnote at the bottom of the page, TextMaker has returned "above." It is pointing to the footnote reference, instead of to its position. Secondly, it has inserted the footnote number again, as well as the relative position, when I only asked for the relative position.

I have tried hard to explain this clearly, so please don't ask me for a copy of the document because I am extremely busy just now, and this should be easy for SoftMaker to reproduce just by writing two paragraphs on one page. Put a footnote reference in the first one and type something into the footnote at the bottom of the page, then try to enter a cross reference to that same footnote in the second paragraph, and try to get TM to generate its relative position, as the word "below," and not the footnote number and the word, "above."
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Re: Error in crossref to footnote relative posn.

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for reporting these problems. I am able to reproduce this problem of adding footnote number before relative position and forwarded the details to our developer team.

For relative position, this is the standard and correctly added as the actual reference for which the footnote is added is above the point on which you are adding the cross-reference. Also, on every page footnote is always at the bottom of the page so current method makes more sense IMHO.
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Re: Error in crossref to footnote relative posn.

Post by SuperTech »

Our developer team have fixed this problem of footnote number and now when you will add relative position, TextMaker will not add footnote number with relative position. The solution will be included in the next service pack of SoftMaker Office.
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