Opening Multiple Recent Documents

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Opening Multiple Recent Documents

Post by trm2 »

I don't mind having to open from the recent documents those documents one at a time - this is expected behavior, but the problem I have is that when I do select a recent document, it returns to the Home Menu. Therefore I have to select the File Menu again and repeat these steps for each document I want to load, thus defeating the convenience of the recent document function in the first place.

I say this not to be petty but I am disabled and have trouble with the keyboard as it is, so the less steps for me the better. When I need to open 5 or six documents this way, it adds up. Of course I could use the browse feature, but then again, I would need to find the directory and if I have the documents scattered which I sometimes do, this is not practical.

It just seems that your feature of opening a document and immediately entering the Home Menu anticipating that the user would want to immediately work on that document is premature.

Please if you would address this.
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Re: Opening Multiple Recent Documents

Post by SuperTech »

Currently, this feature is not available, but I have forwarded this as an improvement suggestion to our product management.
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Re: Opening Multiple Recent Documents

Post by Woody44 »

Microsoft Word works the same way. So does LibreOffice. I understand the wish to be able to select multiple documents at once, but most users don't open multiple documents at one time, and I do think that your post unfairly makes it sound like this is a "problem" only with TextMaker, when the fact is the entire world works that way.
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Re: Opening Multiple Recent Documents

Post by lynneconnolly »

If you use Windows 11, jump lists might help. That's how I open multiple documents in Textmaker. Pin Textmaker to your taskbar. Then right click on it, and there's your jumplist. It shows recently opened documents in that program by default. Click on the documents and they will open in Textmaker, you don't have to open the program, and then do "open..." and navigate to the file.
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