Bugs I've seen:
- 1. We open a .PDF file and insert a user stamp (previously customized) and proceed to print from FreePDF 2022 to a virtual PDF printer, we observe astonished
how the stamp (or stamps) does not appear either in the preview when generating the file or later when recording it. Even if we print on a physical printer, the stamps will not come out either; However, if we open with a different viewer of .PDF files, we will see how the printed stamps come out. Serious mistake !!.
- 2. We open a .PDF file and insert a user stamp (previously personalized) and then save the file and close the program. Now we open the file again with FreePDF 2022 and we observe in amazement
how the stamp appears visually placed in another area or position very different from the one we had created it. This makes it impossible to edit the stamp again, it only remains to delete. Serious mistake !!
- 3. We open a .PDF file and insert an internal stamp and a user stamp (previously customized), save said file and close the FreePDF 2022 program. Now we open the file with any other editing application for .PDF files and we observe astonished
how the stamp layers do not appear anywhere (hidden), cannot be viewed or edited. Serious mistake !!.

I hope you will take these indications about application errors seriously.