Ebook export TOC links missing

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Ebook export TOC links missing

Post by lgsl »

When exporting a document to epub, TOC links are empty.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a document, add some headers and text.
2. Add chapter breaks between chapters.
3. Generate TOC
4. Export to epub.
5. Open the generated epub with an external tool like sigil and you would be able to see that the href is empty.

I'm attaching an example file.
Compressed ebook generated by TM2024
(3.83 KiB) Downloaded 472 times
Original docx document from where the ebook was generated
(12.78 KiB) Downloaded 458 times
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Re: Ebook export TOC links missing

Post by Woody44 »

I just took one of my books (a novelette) and used TextMaker 2024 for Windows to export the formatted book to EPUB. I tried it two ways. First I used TextMaker to generate a table of contents within the manuscript, and THEN I exported to EPUB. The second try I didn't have a table of contents in the manuscript, and I allowed the EPUB export routine to generate the table of contents.

With the first test EPUB, the table of contents showed up when I opened the file in Calibre but not when I opened it in Sigil -- but it was dead. Clicking on a chapter title did NOT take me to the chapter.

For the second file (the one with the table of contents generated during the export), the table of contents didn't show up in either Calibre or Sigil.

In the past, I have never relied on any program to generate my table of contents. I always do it the "brute force" way, by generating my own hyperlink for each chapter. It hasn't failed me yet -- but I haven't tried it using TextMaker 2024. I'll have to try that when I have some spare time.
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Re: Ebook export TOC links missing

Post by SuperTech »

Thanks for posting your problem. Our developer team have already fixed this issue and the solution will be included in the next service pack.
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