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Post by Janderson »

I do quite a bit of linking in my spreadsheets. In Excel it is a breeze. PlanMaker is a challenge. What I want is simple. Click on a name and it goes to the dedicated sheet of that name, same workbook different sheets. But in order to do that, I need to have the Jump Target show the name of the tabs so I pick the one needed. But most of the tabs aren't even there. I noticed when I set the print area, that is an option to choose from in "Jump Target". Why aren't the names of each tab in there too?
We are hoping future releases can have linking just like Excel.
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Re: Linking

Post by SuperTech »

Thank you for posting your query. Jump target can be any range from any sheet, so this can be 1000s of combinations.

Simplest approach if you have many sheets:

1. Click on the cell where you want to set the link.
2. Click on ribbon command Insert | Hyperlink.
3. In jump target type <Destination sheet name>!A1 e.g., Sheet2!A1, where A1 is the designation cell.

If you don't want to type sheet's name, you can copy it from sheet tab.
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