ChatGPT Feedback and Feature-Suggestion

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ChatGPT Feedback and Feature-Suggestion

Post by Brachialberzerker »

Hi there,

I've tried out the ChatGPT integration in TextMaker 2024 NX, and I was surprised by how bare-bones and ultimately useless it currently is. The integration uses the GPT-4o-mini version, which has very limited capabilities and does not perform well on complex topics—at least not as well as the larger models. This is somewhat expected given the smaller model's limitations.

While this integration is a unique NX feature (likely due to commercial considerations), it is simply not worth using in its current state, particularly for serious workloads.

However, if it were possible to use my own API key (acknowledging the privacy implications), the feature would offer much greater flexibility and usability. Additionally, having options to select text and apply helpful commands such as "add details," "add sources," or "expand topic" would significantly enhance its usefulness. The ability to configure and provide basic context data to GPT on demand would further improve the experience.

In its current form, the integration feels underdeveloped. I understand that SoftMaker likely incurs API access costs and relies on subscriptions to offset these expenses. However, this could be addressed by allowing users to optionally enter their own API key. This minimal adjustment would greatly enhance the feature and make it viable for inclusion in the buy-once version as well.

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Re: ChatGPT Feedback and Feature-Suggestion

Post by SuperTech »

Thank you for your post. I have forwarded this improvement suggestion…
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