TextMaker for OS X

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TextMaker for OS X

Post by jlwallen »

I've sent in so many emails to SoftMaker practically begging for a OS X port of TextMaker. as it stands there are so few good options for solid WP on OS X. i won't use M$ Office and there's no native port of OpenOffice.

Will this ever happen? Will there ever be a port of TextMaker for OS X?????
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Post by Tobias-L »

Currently our developers are trying to find out if a port of TextMaker to MacOS X is possible. If so, we also need to know how much work it would be to port it. Well, at the moment that's all we can tell you.
Tobias Leißner
SoftMaker Software GmbH

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Post by nicklaz »

Please port Textmaker and Planmaker to OS X!! The MAC needs an MSOffice alternative.
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Post by Daniel »

I would Also love to see a port of TextMaker and PlanMaker. I got my Mac to get away from Microsoft. I can never completely do that as I use a Pocket PC as my PDA, but they seem to have gotten to OS right on it. However, the apps still suck. I use PocketMac to make my Mac talk to my Pocket PC, so far the only gotchas are with Pocket Word and Pocket Excel. These two programs have not translation for any Mac programs including MS Word and Excel. So, if I could get PlanMaker and TextMaker for Mac OS X I would be in computing heaven. Or atleast I could move out of this corner of computing Hell. If you guys start a beta program I will be among the first to sign up!
Pretty Please!
Pretty, Pretty Please!
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Post by LeChuck^ »


It's meanwhile 2.5 years later, we see ported Versions for Linux and FreeBSD and still no Mac OS X Version.

Apple Computer switched to the Intel Platform and the Darwin Kernel is based on FreeBSD, Apples Market Share growed and will more.

It should be a lot easier to build a Mac OS X Port now with Intel Processors instead of IBM's PPC. And i think Mac User are more willing to pay for a good MS Office alternative than plain Linux/FreeBSD Users, which prefer Freeware.
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Post by Tobias-L »

The main issue is not only porting the code to Mac OS X, but we also have to redesign all dialogs in Mac OS X, which is a lot of work.
As soon as our developers have some free time, they will take a look at porting to Mac OS X again.
Tobias Leißner
SoftMaker Software GmbH

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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by habermas »

Congratulations on your recent release of Textmaker 2008. Just to let you know I purchased Textmaker for Windows 2002 quite a while back and was a happy user of the application for several years. I never did come around to upgrading it to TextMaker 2005 however and I won't upgrade it to 2008 either.

Why not? Well, the reason is that I switched from Windows to the Mac platform.

I don't say this to reduce the significance of your recent publication of TextMaker 2008. The application looks great and I'd be more than happy to purchase a copy if it ran natively on my platform.

Basically, my intention with this posting is to add another voice to the choir of people asking that you please port your application to run on the OS/X platform.

EDIT: I actually have and use TextMaker 2005 for PocketPC and would be interested to upgrade it. However, for the full benefit of such an upgrade I'd prefer to have the word processor for my desktop platform as well.
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Re: TextMaker for OS X. How about a X11-environment osx port?

Post by vanilla »

Ok, it is now Dec 2009, almost 2010. In long ago past posts one difficulty of porting to osx was given as the need to re-write dialogue boxes. Maybe something like the following history of openoffice.org would help get the ball rolling.

1. The earliest openoffice 1.x ports for osx ran entirely in the X11 environment, and was probably suitable only for early adopters willing to deal with stringy fonts and unix-like environment. (Would it be that hard to do something like this?)

2. Around openoffice 2.x the neoofice folks started making available a port that did not require X11, and ran in the osx native "aqua" interface.

3. With oppenoffice 3.x the openoffice.org folks themselves made available a native osx port for intel boxes. Neooffice and others continue to make available more regularly updated macintosh branches, including for older ppc (non-intel) boxes.

Obviously, the above took place over many years. Can the softmaker folks take a look at how hard it would be to at least get the ball rolling with something like step 1?
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by sven-l »


I asked our developers and will inform you here as soon as I have more information.
Sven Leßmann
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by habermas »

sven-l wrote:Hello,

I asked our developers and will inform you here as soon as I have more information.
Any news about this? I would happily purchase an OS/X version at double the price of what you sell the current Office suite for. But at that price it would have to have a native user interface - not based on X 11.
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by sven-l »

No news until now. I'll informed you here as soon as I have more information.
Sven Leßmann
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by habermas »

No news until now. I'll informed you here as soon as I have more information.
Any news from the developers yet?
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by sven-l »

No. I will inform you here as soon as we have any news on that.
Sven Leßmann
SoftMaker Software GmbH
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by Jossi »

A lot of things have changed over the last years. By now, with BootCamp and Parallels Desktop available and the iPad dominating the tablet market, a version for iOS would be much more needed than a version for Mac OS X. Just my 2 cents.
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Re: TextMaker for OS X

Post by habermas »

BootCamp was released in 2006 - not in the last couple of years. Besides I'm pretty tired of developers using the excuse that "if you just buy a Windows license for 150€ then you have no problem using our software".

I've been following your company for ten years - talk about a dedicated customer - but I think I will today officially give up on hoping for an OS/X adaption of the SoftMaker Office suite.
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